To Clarify about the Performance of the Company in Q3/2007


Oct 18, 2007

October 17, 2007

Subject: To Clarify about the Performance of the Company in Q3/2007

To: President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand

With regard to news flow over several media that Central Pattana Public Company Limited forecasts its 3rd quarter 2007 revenue to grow by 20% year-on-year, the Company would like to clarify that such 20 % growth rate would be the growth rate for the total revenue of 2007 that we have announced to the press. As the Company's consolidated financial statement as of September 30,2007 is in process, we advise that investors should monitor the Company's 3rd quarter 2007 performance from the Company's announcement to Stock Exchange of Thailand, which will be disclosed to public via website of Stock Exchange of Thailand in due course.


Yours faithfully,


(Mr.Naris Cheyklin)
Secretary to the Board of Directors

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