BOD resolution regarding AGM 2008


Feb 22, 2008

February 22, 2008

Subject: Board of Director's resolution regarding the 2008 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

To: President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand

At the Board of Director's meeting of Central Pattana Public Company Limited ("the Company") No.1/2008 held on February 20, 2008, the meeting has passed the following resolutions which will be presented to the 2008 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of Shareholders for approval are as follows:

1. Approved the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007.

2. Approved the dividend payment from the Company's business operation for the year 2007 as follows;

2.1 Dividend payment from the business operation of the Company for the year 2007 to its shareholders of baht 0.33 per share. The dividend will be paid on May 23, 2008.

2.2 The Share Register Book for the right to receive the dividend will be closed on May 9, 2008 at 12.00 P.M.

3. Approved the Directors' remuneration and meeting allowances for 2008 as proposed by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee not more than baht 8,500,000 per year.

4. Appointment of KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd. as the auditor of the Company and its subsidiaries and the determination of year 2008 audit fee amounted to baht 5,000,000 per year as proposed by the Audit Committee.

5. Appointment of 5 members of the Board of Directors of the Company whose tenure have ended. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee proposed the re-election of those 5 directors as follow:

1) Mr. Vanchia Chirathivat Non-Executive Director (Chairman)

2) Mr. Suthichai Chirathivat Non-Executive Director

3) Mr. Paitoon Taveebhol Independent Director (Audit Committee Chairman)

4) Mr. Chackchai Panichapat Independent Director (Audit Committee)

5) Mrs. Sunandha Tulayadhan Independent Director (Audit Committee)

The Board of Director also specified the tenure of the 3 Independent Director as follow:

1) Mr. Chackchai Panichapat Next turner is in 2009

2) Mrs. Sunandha Tulayadhan Next turner is in 2010

3) Mr. Paitoon Taveebhol Next turner is in 2011

6. Approved to fix the date and time of the 2008 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders with its agenda as follows:

6.1 Closing the date of the Company Share Register for the right to attend the AGM on April 4, 2008.

6.2 The AGM No.1/2008 will be held on April 25, 2008 at 14.00 P.M., Chidlom room, on 30th floor, The Offices at CentralWorld, Rama 1 Road, Patumwan, Bangkok.

6.3 The agendas of the AGM 2008 are as follows:

Agenda 1 To certify the Minutes of the AGM No.1/2007

Agenda 2 To acknowledge the Company's operating performance for the year 2007

Agenda 3 To approve the audited financial statements for year end December 31, 2007

Agenda 4 To approve the dividend payment for the year 2007 business performance

Agenda 5 To approve the appointment of five re-election directors whose tenure have ended.

Agenda 6 To approve the directors' remunerations for year 2008

Agenda 7 To appoint the Auditor and to approve the audit fees for year 2008

Agenda 8 Other agendas (If any)

Please be informed accordingly,


Yours faithfully,


Mr.Naris Cheyklin
Company Secretary

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